instructional design

Infographic - Are you a planet?
Since the demotion of Pluto to dwarf planet status in 2006, the concept of what makes a planet a planet has remained a common point of passionate debate among astronomers of all ages. While researching the topic, I found very few visual examples that clearly and effectively explained the membership requirements for an object to join the exclusive planetary club. By applying the CARP theory of graphic design (contrast, alignment, repetition, proximity), I created a simple and attractive infographic to visually represent what objects qualify as planets. The color palette is limited to a trio of colors that contrast well with the dark background; the alignment and repetition from top left to bottom right makes the progression feel natural, and the proximity of design elements shows their relationship to one another while also providing room for their distinctions.
The Earth-Sun Connection - Presentation
This slide deck is the re-imaging of an outdated presentation through the application of three visual design modalities: color, images, and typeface. The dark backgrounds allow strong contrast with the white text as well as the red and blue highlights used to enhance visual hierarchy and information. Visuals were updated with modern, high-resolution images and illustrations to draw the eye of the viewer and allow room for accurate, accessible labels. The typefaces consist of Montserrat for headings and subheadings, and Aharoni for the bullets and labels. With varying sizes and weights, these two sans-serif fonts are easy to read and contrast well with each other. Overall, the design is effective, engaging, and accessible.
DaVinci Resolve - Instructional Video
This instructional video showcases my learning design skills in both DaVinci Resolve and Camtasia. It is the first in a series that guides the learner step by step through the process of creating a "bumper video" - a brief introductory segment to a longer instructional video. By using Camtasia's screen-capturing capabilities and Resolve's audio and video editing applications, I created an effective and engaging clip that clearly and succinctly provides the learner with the tools necessary to create their own video using DaVinci Resolve.